Host An Event

So you want to host The Bruce?

Interested in hosting THE BRUCE WOD at your gym, please take a few minutes to complete our short questionnaire. Our primary fundraising event day is always the Saturday before Veterans Day. This year that day falls on Saturday, November 8, 2025.  If you prefer to Host The Bruce WOD on a different day please let us know in the questionnaire. We will do our best to meet your requests.

A complete HOST AGREEMENT will be emailed to you within 48 hours of your Host Questionnaire. The below list is a partial list from that larger agreement.

THE BRUCE will provide the following:

  • We provide a Competition Corner webpage link for your marketing purposes.
  • Athlete shirts are included for all athletes registered by October 8, 2025 and will be delivered no later than 7-10 days prior to the event. You will have access to the registrant list with sizes ordered.
  • A global leader board for your athletes to see their local and worldwide standings.
  • We manage all website and registrations issues.
  • There is a private Facebook group for hosts. Offering advice from experienced hosts.
  • We manage changes to registration requested by athletes
  • You are helping a great cause and supporting the well-being of our veterans. This helps them but can also have a direct impact on their families and communities.
  • Host event shirts (max 2) for the host gym
  • First time hosts receive a BRUCE WOD gym flag.
  • You will receive a complete host packet, WOD details, WOD intro verbiage (The Story)
  • We provide you with access to event registrations for future marketing purposes and outreach

Gym expectations:

  • Provide the venue and follow through on the event date
  • Set up your event (Heats/Lanes) with access provided to your Competition Corner athlete registration page.
  • Market across your social media platforms, to reach the maximum number of athletes
  • Promote the event in house, discuss it during class times
  • Provide all necessary equipment in good working order for each part of the WOD
    • Rowers
    • RX 70/53 KB and options for scaling/modifying
    • Wallballs 20/14 and options for scaling/modifying
  • Provide adequate toilet facilities
  • Clearly articulate to your athletes the parking requirements & options
  • Provide information to registered athletes via email: directions, parking, check-in time etc.
  • Enter scores using the Competition Corner access we have provided
  • Optional: Reach out to local businesses to sponsor or support the event via; onsite clothing, supplements, massage therapist, chiropractor

Some important dates for the November 8th events:

  • Registration opens August 1, 2025
  • Early bird registration runs August 1st to Sept 8th
  • Event shirt cutoff is October 8, 2025

Gym Host Questionnaire