This workout represents the ten-day battle for hill 937, aka, Hamburger Hill. The battle resulted in 72 American deaths and 372 Americans wounded. Some came home with not only physical wounds but mental wounds of war that they continue to battle to this day. Many, like Sgt. Bruce Cogley ended those battles on their terms years after leaving hill 937. As you move through this workout consider what these men went through looking out for not only themselves but those to their left and right. Push hard, don’t quit, and keep moving.
Buy In: 937m Row
TEN rounds of:
- 10 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 10 Russian Kettle Swings (70/53)
- 10 Burpees
Cash Out: 937m Row
1 round = 10 WB, 10 RKBS, 10 Burpees
- RX: WB (20#/14# - 10'/8'), RKBS (70#/53#)
- Scaled: WB (14#/10# - 10'/8') RKBS (53#/36#)
- RX+ WB (30/20), RKBS (80/62)